Monday, August 31, 2009

What is Syntax error in c c++ porgramming language.

What is syntax errors in c c++ programming language? Syntax Errors: A collection of the rules for writing programs in a programming language is know as syntax. All program statements are written according do these rules. Syntax error is a type of error that occurs when a invalid statement is written in program. The compiler detects syntax errors and display error massage to describe the cause of error. A program containing syntax errors can`t be compiled successfully.

These can be many causes of syntax error some important causes are as follows:
  • The statement terminator is missing at the end of statement like coma, semicolon ( ); etc.
  • A misspelled keyword is used in the program.
  • Any of the delimiters is missing.
Example: Typing "forr" insted of "for" is an example of syntax error.

Learn unix c c++


  1. Nice blog for unix c programming languages learning. please share the unix c programs and unix c language structure with common errors.

    Thanks for posting now and thanks

