Input Statements in C programming language: The process of giving something to the computer is known as Input. The input is mostly given by keyboard. The term standard input refers to the input using keyboard. A program may need certain inputs from the user for working properly. C language provides many functions to get input from the users.
some important functions are for inputs are as follows:
- scanf()
- gets()
- getch()
- getche()
Output Statements in C programming language: The process of getting something from the computer is known as output. The output is mostly displayed on monitor. The term standard output refers to the output displayed on the monitor. The result of a program is the output of the program. C language provides many functions to display output to the user. Some impurtant functions for output are as follows:
The functions used for input and output are stored in the header file stdio.h. If a program uses for input or output function, it is necessary to include this header file in the program.
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